Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So far so good

Work has taken a turn for the better. Had a good day with Freckles yesterday and today was really productive as well. Snarky seems to have lost the attitude problem so I decided to drop it for now, will also have to find something else to call her besides Snarky. Unfortunately the new schedule was posted today and I'm on a 9 day stretch. Oh joy, 9 days in a row. I'm pretty sure this is against my religion--the religion of 2 days off per week. I asked Chef about it and he says he needs me there all weekend, so there isn't much I can do about it except suck it up.

As I said, work was very productive today, home life not so much. I feel a list coming on. I can't seem to get anything done around here. I feel so scatterbrained all the time. There's so much to do and I haven't got a clue how to get started on it. Once I have a list and I have a starting point then things will get done finally. I also need to start making a plan for the future. Flying by the seat of my pants isn't sitting well with me. I need to make some goals and set out a timeline. I'm getting old, lol, time to get my shit together.

Got a random text from a friend back home tonight, "What colour underwear are you wearing?" Bounce never wants to talk to me about anything except my underwear and when I have time to hang out. I never have time to hang out with him, and he wonders why I'm so busy all the time. I don't have time to hang out with him because I get the distinct impression that he wants to see what colour my underwear are for himself, and that so ain't happening--ever. Boy can't take a hint. I don't want to hurt his feelings, and the fact that he's a bouncer at my favourite bar makes we want to stay on his good side. So I'm busy--all the time. Kinda wish he didn't know where I live.

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