Thursday, August 6, 2009

Musings on life

So, I'm entering another chapter in my life. After being fucked over by the Doucehbag I find myself contemplating who I am, where I want to go, and what I want in my life.

There are two things that have been constant goals in my life. The first is to have my own business, a gastropub to be specific, the other is to have a family. However, both of these require a certain amount of stability, which I don't have right now.

I'm in travel mode at the moment. I'm nearing completion of my second summer working in Atlantic Canada. My plans for next summer include a 6 month contract with CFSA working at the Tim Hortons on Kandahar Air Field. This isn't for sure yet, I've only just applied, but I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't hire me. I have plenty of customer service experience and a bunch of food service experience. People keep asking me why I'd want to do this, especially since Douchebag was in the military. Why would I want to serve the troops after being royally fucked over by one? Its pretty simple really. Just because one guy was an asshole doesn't detract from the whole of the Canadian Forces doing the best job that they can. I'm a pacifist, I detest violence, so the chances of me serving my country in the military are zero, at least this way I feel like I'm doing my duty without compromising my own beliefs. Besides, I need the damn money.

I'm staring down around 30k in student and consumer debt and let's face it, cooks don't make much money. So, besides cruise ship work, which I won't do because I don't want to be on a floating jail for 6 months, there isn't any other way I can make a tonne of cash in a short amount of time.

After Kandahar I'd really love to go to Scotland for a while and work there. I need to get on with getting my UK citizenship in order to make that happen, which I will be doing as soon as I get home to Ontario.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do between Kandahar and Scotland though. By the time I get back from Kandahar it will be October or November, not the best time to travel to the UK. I'd like to wait until the spring. So the question is, what do I do for the 5-6 months in between? Apparently you can sit on your butt for a whole year after doing a tour at KAF. As nice as an extended vacation would be, I don't think I have it in me to do nothing for 5-6 months and collect unemployment. Plus if I stay at home I'd probably just go on an extended bender, which is never good. I wonder if I could still collect the money if I lived in California with my mom? Do some things down there for a while. Though the thought of moving back home at 28 makes me a little nauseous.

Well I have plenty of time to figure it all out. If KAF doesn't work out I may just skip off to Scotland next summer. I hear they pay pretty well over there, maybe I'll be able to get at least some debt paid off before the interest kicks in. We'll just have to see.

Quick update on work today. Snarky was in a bad mood today, I got a few snipes from her, but overall she wasn't as bad as she has been in the past. I'll give it some more time and see how it goes. Also had to have a chat with one of the Sous Chefs today because he kept asking random questions about the Shop that made me wonder if anything was up. Turns out he thinks we haven't been cleaning up well enough at the end of the day. But of course, in the usual passive-aggressive way, instead of just talking to me about it and letting me handle it with my staff, he has to beat around the bush about it, make me all paranoid, and then resign to have a chat with all of us about it tomorrow. As if I can't handle telling Freckles and Snarky that we need to clean up better at the end of the day? *sigh* I hate office politics. Need a nickname for that Sous, will figure one out later. Back in at 4:30am tomorrow, joy, day 6 of 9.


  1. Wow. That's a lot to digest. I think I might have to find you a goddess.

  2. Magaret-Love your blog btw! If there's a goddess of right f***ed in the head, she's all mine lol.
