Monday, August 3, 2009

Let's see how this goes.

The whole blogging phenomenon is something I've only ventured into once or twice for short periods. I think I write fairly well, but I don't know that my life, or my screwed up insight on life is all that interesting to other people.

So why am I blogging now then? I don't really know, lots of time on my hands I suppose and lots of things on my mind. Writing in journals is one thing, putting stuff out there for people to read and comment on is something totally different. I suppose I want some objective comments on my life.

So here I go with it.

As far as I can tell, I'm pretty fucked up. My life is anyway. Be warned, I'm probably going to bitch a lot as this will be my outlet.

I'm just coming off of getting royally fucked over by a guy, not the first or last time this will happen, but it's the biggest Fuck You I've had in my life thus far. I'll spare the details, suffice to say that he's a lying bastard and I am left single, again.

I've never liked the dating scene. If there even is a "scene" anymore. Actual "dates" are few and far between these days. I find myself meeting people mostly through my current circle of friends. This needs to stop. Not because my friends are bad people or anything, but because I find myself in contact with people who float in all the same circles that I do and frankly I don't want to date myself. I want to date someone who is different from me, but there is some common ground that we can meet on.

But that's getting ahead of myself. About a year ahead actually. I've decided I won't be having a "boyfriend" for at least a year, if not longer. I need time to get my life in order and find out what I really want in a partner. I honestly thought I had found what I wanted, but the universe had other ideas.

I've gone through a few guys/boys/men that I thought were the one, but they weren't. It's funny how you can feel so sure about something and then have the rug pulled out from under you. But that's just how it goes I suppose.

So this will be my blog. I'm going to write about life, the usual crap, my love-life (or lack there of), work, school, family, friends, so on and so forth. Specific details will be few and far between as I like the anonymity and I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings in the long run.

My general mood for today is paranoid. I'm getting a wierd vibe from some folks at work and it's unnerving. I'm generally well-liked and I can't stand it when someone is angry with me, or dislikes me and 1) won't talk about it or 2) it's for no reason at all. I've confronted one person on the issue and got a very unconvicing denial of anything being wrong. Could have fooled me, since this person left a snarky note for me this morning. I guess I'll just have to talk to them again. I hate passive-agressive bullshit like that. Just out with it already so we can talk about it and get passed it.

*sigh* See, I bitch alot.


  1. If you can't stand passive-aggressive notes, there's a fabulously funny blog that I swear I'm not affiliated with called

    Good for you, love, about waiting a year until you launch into something romantic again. I found when I was single that the best sort of relationships just sort of fell into my lap (in a manner of speaking) from the oddest places and mostly when I wasn't looking.

    You've got a wonderful writing style, too. I look forward to reading your future posts.

  2. Chris - What a funny site! Thanks for telling me about it, I'll be checking that one daily for a good chuckle. Also checked out your blog as well and I really like your style. I don't know that I actually have a style myself, but thanks for the compliment, I generally just spew whatever comes into my head.
