Monday, December 28, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Ok so giving myself a blogging schedule hasn't really worked. I've missed like a week's worth of writing. So, scrap that. I'm just going to write when I feel like it. (I'm a woman, I get to change my mind whenever I want, for any reason.)

So the Roomies have gone to Florida with the kiddies for a week (to Disney World, hate them,) and as usual the list of annoyances since their departure has already piled up. First of all, the house is a mess because of Christmas, not that we actually did anything Christmassy here, just that they left all the gifts they got all over the freakin place. I already tidied up the basement which was littered with cups and plates and other dishes due to the copious amount of Wii going on down there. I opened the fridge today to see a half empty Tim Horton's cup on one shelf (cause you're still gonna want it next Sunday right?) and four day old KFC on another shelf. Not to mention various tupperware containers with what I'm guessing are science experiements in them cause they don't even resemble food anymore.

Revenge tactics: Smoke in the house for the next 3 days...then feel guilty and clean the house from top to bottom *sigh*

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Saturday: Kitchen Confidential

I realized after I had already posted my catching up post that the last time I wrote about work I was still at the Italian Job. I have moved on to the Pub. It pays me less but I get more hours, an apprenticeship and I'm doing the kind of food that I'm really passionate about.

So I've been at the Pub for about 2 months now and I have a really interesting crew to work with.

Here's the cast:

Big guy, not mean, not nice, somewhere in the middle. Haven't quite figured him out yet. Has been spending alot of time modifying Xmas songs to tell the story of how our dishwasher is a fag. Doesn't mind a good fart joke, or a Jew joke (waitresses keep asking for more "Jews" {Jus}, I tell them sorry it's still in the oven.) Takes us out for Chinese every now and then and makes fun of my MSG intolerance.

The sous chef. A 21 year old upstart who I went to culinary school with. I graduated almost top of my class...he didn't finish. Funny how life works out. He's good in the kitchen though. Slams back RedBull's like they're mother's milk. Thin as a rail, kinda squirlly, likes to joke around alot and give the dishwasher towel snaps. Works waaaaaay too much, calls me "Mom" when I point this out and ask if he's eaten anything yet today.

The other chick in the kitch. Also 21, good worker. Currently in culinary school. Also works part time at a bakery that's dairy and gluten free (where's the fun in that?). Is never on time but works hard when she's there. Is supposed to be next in line for FowWow's job (he's leaving in the summer) but I dunno, if she keeps coming in late Chef might reconsider. Is usually quiet but gets some real zingers in every now and again. I got her back for sure.

#1 dishwasher. Tall, scrawny, just turned 20 this past weekend. Will do any bitch job assigned to him without much belly aching. Including lugging potatoes up from the basement, peeling them, cutting fries, peeling onions, cleaning the vent hoods, taking out the garbage etc. Works about as much as FowWow does and drinks just as many RedBulls. Likes to bet on things, usually stupid shit, the wager is usually a RedBull. Gets towel whipped by FowWow on an hourly basis.

The morning guy. Think I've met him once. Always leaves his station a mess when he leaves.

Dishwasher #2, part time guy. Actually came from the Italian Job. Ok kid, like 18, big dumb football type. Doesn't like having to do bitch prep in addition to the dishes. Waaaay too quiet. That'll get him in trouble later.

Hut's older other, dishwasher #3, also came from the Italian Job. Sucks ass at his job. Complains about everything, especially having to do any food prep. Is also slow as hell doing the dishes. Don't think he'll last long, to be honest.

Waitress that is nice as pie but unfortunately looks like a crack whore most of the time. Is actually pretty good at her job.

The Limey
Waiter, dude from England. Nice guy, but *shudder* a vegan.

The Limey's girlfriend, a waitress (not a very good one), and an even bigger vegan, with big hair.

One of the owners and FOH manager. So far pretty much been a prick most of the time. Pretty certain he's got it out for me, he always has something to gripe about.

Special K
The other owner. Seems like a decent guy, stays out of the way mostly. Much nicer than DMan.

Waiter, awesome guy. Needs to not order staff meals at 10min to close though. Could've strangled him.

Most awesome waitress ever. So good with everything!

Another awesome waitress, who barely gets any shifts though!

Crappy bleached-blond bartender.

Awesome bartender, DJ and music writer that I've known for years.

St. Kitts
Every pub has that one awesome old dude that knows everyone, what they drink, and how much of it they want. That is St. Kitts. This guy is the definition of hospitality.

This little teenager who's been helping dishwash/bus/barback on the busy nights. Such a cutie, puts up with everyone's crap.

There are various other members of the "chorus", just haven't got nicknames for them quiet yet. They'll pop up eventually...if they prove to be of any interest.

Oh...I have a nickname too...and no...I didn't get to pick mine either.

Since I have such awesome curly red hair, freckles, and alabaster skin, I have been dubbed K-Dawg...cause I'm so yo back yo. (wtf were they thinking?)

Financial Friday

I realize it's already technically Tuesday and I've missed like 4 posts, but I'm going to try to catch up anyway.

So for Fridays I've decided to write about money. Or my lack there of.

Being a college student and a cook, I don't make that much and the student loans run out pretty fast. Christmas is kind of a bitch. I don't have a lot of people whom I absolutely have to buy for, but I like to give presents and it bothers me that I can't always show my love through gifts.

Being a cook I have decided to put my talent to work for me in regards to Christmas. In year's past, before I went back to school and was working full time, I usually had a big Christmas party at my tiny apartment with a full-on Christmas dinner. That is obviously not going to happen this year, not only did those dinners cost me around $200-$300 to throw, I don't have my own place anymore so I can't really throw a party. So I've gone the other route and I'm baking cookies...lots of cookies.

It's almost 3am and I'm still baking cookies. Chocolate chip cookies, peanutbutter cookies and shortbread cookies. I haven't even started on the shortbread yet, that may have to wait until tomorrow.

So far, this endeavour has only cost me about $60. I plan on hitting up the dollar store tomorrow to see what sort of festive thingy I can put these in for all my various folks. Hopefully it won't cost me too much to get some decorative tins or something.

I really hope people will be happy with my homemade Christmas present. Who doesn't like cookies, right? But still, I feel guilty for not being able to buy "real" presents. Especially since some people have bought things for me (which I told them not too!)

Oh well, bah-humbug.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursdaze Schooldaze: Half way there

So guess what? TBear came over for a bit and suddenly it's Thursday, not Wednesday so I can write about school rather than relationships. This is good and bad. Good cause I want to bitch about school and bad cause Roomies have been bickering at each other all night and that would make a good post too. But it's 1:14am on Thursday so it's school talk.

So, I have commenced the first semester of my second year of Hotel Restaurant Management at St. Retarded. I also took Culinary at St. Retarded but that program was much better so I wasn't calling it St. Retarded back then.

A little history:

My first year in this program I realized very early on that I could get by with minimal effort. What I mean by get by is get straight A's. Yup, that's right a 4.0, without even trying really. Second year however, my motivation has dropped completely off the charts. Therefore no 4.0, but I'm still passing. Final grades won't be posted till next week, but based on what I have so far I'm not overly concerned.

Today I got up at an ungodly hour to take the bus in this vile winter to get to an exam for 8am. (All 8am classes should be outlawed btw...nothing should start until at least 9.) This exam was for the class titled: Hotel Management. Pretty self-explanatory right? You'd think the class would be all about managing a hotel, yes? Well no, that would be too obvious. I stopped going to this class well before mid-terms, mostly because it's at 8am (the only class I had that early) and because it's downright patronizing. My exam today consisted of fill in the blanks, short answer, true or false and a short essay. All of these things were based upon the various guest speakers who have come to the class to talk to us about what they do in the hotel industry. I went to one of those classes. I'm still not worried about the exam. Another small section of questions was based on the tour the class took of a major hotel in the area. I was asked, in black and white, how many rooms does this hotel have?

Seriously, I'm not joking. That was a question on my final exam for Hotel Management. Not only did I not attend this tour (I've actually stayed in the hotel, I didn't think it was necessary, and again, it was 8am, and I had a Dr.'s appointment at 9 that day anyway,) but I honestly think questions like that have zero bearing on my ability to manage a hotel. In short, it's complete bullshit.

The other thing I did today was hand in a major project. The project is for a class called Catering & Convention Sales. The project consisted of coming up with a theme for our school's yearly wine gala, including a menu, decor, all that crap. We (all HRM students) are told that the theme for the gala will be picked based upon how awesome these projects are, this is obviously to give us the motivation to put alot of effort into these projects (group projects I might add, BARF.) The reality is that a panel of select college higher ups picks the theme out of their ass every year. They've already picked the theme, it's going to be "Midnight at the Oasis" because they've never done a middle eastern theme before.

How do I know this? Cause I do. Cause I'm in the know. And because I talk to the Chefs in the culinary department on a regular basis and they told me lol. So, as you can imagine, I didn't put much effort into my project. Insofar as to not "present it" as in, get up in front of everybody with a lame and boring powerpoint and sell my idea to them. Why? I already know what they're going to pick. Oh, they might actually change the name to "Arabian Nights" cause that's what one of the groups is doing for their project, but it's still the same damn theme and all of our projects mean didly.

During my summer out east I met alot of other HRM students from all over the country. And based upon talking to them about their schooling, I've concluded that just about any other college in the country has a better HRM program than St. Retarded. But in the end, we'll all have the same piece of paper qualifying us to manage in a hotel or a restaurant.

Basically all I've gotten out of this program is a bunch of textbooks....that we haven't used. Oh, and I know a little more about wine than I did before, including how much I really don't give a shit about it.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yeah erm, whatever

So...not blogging for like two months has gathered quite a backlog of events (as well as a backlog of blogs to read for as you can see I follow quite a few other people's blog, or at least I used to. *snicker*)

I've spent the last few hours trying to catch up...trying to figure out where I left off too. I'm on blog I used to read every day number 4, I have 8 more to go...8 blogs, not posts that is. But I want to read them...cause I don't have a new book yet.

So, why haven't I been blogging? A whole lot of meh, that's why. Not that I've been in cryofreeze for the past two months, just completely devoid of any motivation to do much of anything except sleep, go to work and have sex with my boyfriend. You notice I didn't even put eat in there? That's because I'm on a diet. Not a real one mind you, not one I put any thought into, the one where I simply can't be bothered to eat much. I do remember eat something before I go to work though, which is good because otherwise I'm sure they'd find me passed out in the fridge.

Here's the update, broken into nice neat little categories.

Is over for the semester, thank Jebus. Took my last exam today and handed in my last half-assed project. Need to get my ass in gear next semester as I've barely squeaked by this time. At least some small effort is required next semester as I have to *cringe* serve in the student restaurant. Yes, more slave labour.

Fucking ass cold. It was like -15 today and I hate it. I also hated taking the bus in the dark this morning to go to my 8am exam. Winter is a cruel season. Very much contemplating moving to Jamaica.

Still at the Pub, things were getting better, then they got worse, my work week starts tomorrow so we'll see how it goes this weekend.

Still with TBear. Things are fine. Blissfully uneventful really. We've had a few little tiffs in the last three months but we've managed to navigate them well. Still having awesome sex, though there was a bit of a dry spell. Generally when things aren't going well for either of us in our respective jobs the sex life tends to suffer. But it comes back with a bang.

Nothing really to report on this front, and there probably won't be anything to report on until March. Why? Because I don't get to go to California to visit my family this Christmas. Why? Because my boss is kind of a jerk, that's why. It's apparently OK for him to have a life, a family, kids that run amok around the restaurant once a week, and you know, getting to go out of town on the weekends, but I'm not allowed to have a life. I'm not allowed to go away for Christmas. Why? Because we have an Xmas party on the 19th (I could've changed my flight to the 20th), and apparently he "Can't run a kitchen like this!" even though I would have missed only 2 days of work really: Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, since we're obviously closed on Christmas Day. We might not even be open on those other days, I find out tomorrow. So yeah...nice eh? I guess the joke's on him though cause when I asked him when would be a good time for me to go to California to visit my mom and suggested March Break...he agreed, March Break would be perfect. I'm leaving March 14th, returning March 21st. What's smack dab in the middle of that? St. Patrick's Day. The busiest day of the year in the pub business. Oh well, he said I could go, it's been booked. No backing out now. Should've let me go for Christmas asshole. (And bah-humbug to you!)

Money Matters
Broke, broke, broke. Christmas? Hah. You're kidding right?

Life in General
Mostly meh. I'm unmotivated, depressed even. Can barely muster up the effort to get out of bed at a decent hour (earliest I can manage without something very important like work or an exam forcing me is 10am, and even that's a feat.) Have no projects on the room goes from fairly cluttered to oh my god where did the floor go? on a weekly basis. My laundry piles up, gets done, doesn't get put away. I have been reading some books lately though. After plowing through Atlas Shrugged, I read The Nasty Bits by Anthony Bourdain, finished The American Nerd by Ben Nugent (which I started back in the summer), Firethorn by Sarah Micklem (surprisingly a page turner, need to pick up the next one: Wildfire) and The Year of Living Biblically by AJ Jacobs (quite funny, inspiring even). So while I haven't been studying for school, or doing my homework, I'm still learning lol. TBear is supposed to lend me The Rise of the Creative Class, so that one's next on the list.

So what now? Well, with school done for the next few weeks I have even more free time on my hands. And I need to get my shit together. Christmas is depressing normally, but now that I won't be getting my injection of California sunshine, it's even worse. So I need some structure to keep myself from hibernating for the next few weeks.

One of the bloggers I read: Chris Hoke is putting structure to his blog, Monday such and such, Tuesday this thing, you get the idea. And yes I'm totally stealing this from him (cause he stole it from others, and so on the so forth, no one has a copyright on organizing themes for your blog, get over it people.) But I want to try writing every day. Key word there is *try*, Yoda is shaking his head at me already. I know there will be days where I just can't. Like Saturday. I work from 11am till close, which can either be 11pm, 12am, or 1am depending on how busy we are. Not alot of room in there for writing. But I'll try to maybe write it earlier in the week and just post it on Saturday. Compromise lol.

So here's what I have in mind for my weekly schedule:

Manic Monday
Oh the craziness of life, what am I doing this coming week? What big things are on the table? If nothing, then general life talk.

Tuesday Review
I will review something, anything. The last book I read, the last movie I saw (Tuesday is cheap movie night here lol), a song, a picture, a painting, a blog. I'll have an opinion on SOMETHING. And it won't be just MEH.

Whiny Wednesday
Not just whining about anything mind you, I want to use this day to talk about relationships, my current, my past, the fat couple I saw on the bus today, whatever, but it will have to do with relationships. This also includes friendships and other kind of relationships, but not about work.

Thursday Schooldaze
The trials and tribulations of a college student. Fun! Probably not, but I can gripe about how dumb my program is any maybe get some help on the homework front.

I don't want to call this Freaky Friday lol, but I probably will for lack of a better name.
Since Friday is payday, I want to write about money matters, mine, other people's, good ideas, bad ideas, my friend's penchant for collecting coins. Something about money, even if it's just how silly the Queen looks on the $20.

Saturday: Kitchen Confidential
Kitchen Confidential probably is copyrighted....probably by Anthony Bourdain, but I don't think he's going to come after me with his meat cleaver, he's too busy eating bugs in Indonesia. This will be my day to write about my kitchen adventures, and work in general. You might even get a recipe out of me, we'll see. Be warned: I complain alot, this will most likely be a weekly bitchfest.

Sinful Sunday
Since I just finished The Year of Living Biblically I thought it would be fun to post about which sinful activity I think I highly excelled in that particular week. I might do a seven week stretch of the seven deadly sins. Or I might talk about what I think is bad in this world (or good, with bad consequences.) I don't want everything to be negative though, I might talk about how sinful my dessert was that day, whatever, something to do with sinning. I sin a lot, most without much guilt as I'm not Christian, and I generally believe in Karma therefore I'll get what's coming to me for lying to my Prof today about why I was late for my exam lol.

So that's it for now. It's almost midnight and TBear is supposed to come over at some point so I might not get to my Whiny Wednesday post. Though this post is probably pretty whiny anyway.


Blogger spellcheck does not recognize the following words: Meh, cryofreeze, could've, should've hah, th when attatched to a number, bloggers (ironically), biblically (which I checked, that's how it's spelled on the bookcover), alot, bitchfest, and lol. Kinda funny.