Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Saturday: Kitchen Confidential

I realized after I had already posted my catching up post that the last time I wrote about work I was still at the Italian Job. I have moved on to the Pub. It pays me less but I get more hours, an apprenticeship and I'm doing the kind of food that I'm really passionate about.

So I've been at the Pub for about 2 months now and I have a really interesting crew to work with.

Here's the cast:

Big guy, not mean, not nice, somewhere in the middle. Haven't quite figured him out yet. Has been spending alot of time modifying Xmas songs to tell the story of how our dishwasher is a fag. Doesn't mind a good fart joke, or a Jew joke (waitresses keep asking for more "Jews" {Jus}, I tell them sorry it's still in the oven.) Takes us out for Chinese every now and then and makes fun of my MSG intolerance.

The sous chef. A 21 year old upstart who I went to culinary school with. I graduated almost top of my class...he didn't finish. Funny how life works out. He's good in the kitchen though. Slams back RedBull's like they're mother's milk. Thin as a rail, kinda squirlly, likes to joke around alot and give the dishwasher towel snaps. Works waaaaaay too much, calls me "Mom" when I point this out and ask if he's eaten anything yet today.

The other chick in the kitch. Also 21, good worker. Currently in culinary school. Also works part time at a bakery that's dairy and gluten free (where's the fun in that?). Is never on time but works hard when she's there. Is supposed to be next in line for FowWow's job (he's leaving in the summer) but I dunno, if she keeps coming in late Chef might reconsider. Is usually quiet but gets some real zingers in every now and again. I got her back for sure.

#1 dishwasher. Tall, scrawny, just turned 20 this past weekend. Will do any bitch job assigned to him without much belly aching. Including lugging potatoes up from the basement, peeling them, cutting fries, peeling onions, cleaning the vent hoods, taking out the garbage etc. Works about as much as FowWow does and drinks just as many RedBulls. Likes to bet on things, usually stupid shit, the wager is usually a RedBull. Gets towel whipped by FowWow on an hourly basis.

The morning guy. Think I've met him once. Always leaves his station a mess when he leaves.

Dishwasher #2, part time guy. Actually came from the Italian Job. Ok kid, like 18, big dumb football type. Doesn't like having to do bitch prep in addition to the dishes. Waaaay too quiet. That'll get him in trouble later.

Hut's older other, dishwasher #3, also came from the Italian Job. Sucks ass at his job. Complains about everything, especially having to do any food prep. Is also slow as hell doing the dishes. Don't think he'll last long, to be honest.

Waitress that is nice as pie but unfortunately looks like a crack whore most of the time. Is actually pretty good at her job.

The Limey
Waiter, dude from England. Nice guy, but *shudder* a vegan.

The Limey's girlfriend, a waitress (not a very good one), and an even bigger vegan, with big hair.

One of the owners and FOH manager. So far pretty much been a prick most of the time. Pretty certain he's got it out for me, he always has something to gripe about.

Special K
The other owner. Seems like a decent guy, stays out of the way mostly. Much nicer than DMan.

Waiter, awesome guy. Needs to not order staff meals at 10min to close though. Could've strangled him.

Most awesome waitress ever. So good with everything!

Another awesome waitress, who barely gets any shifts though!

Crappy bleached-blond bartender.

Awesome bartender, DJ and music writer that I've known for years.

St. Kitts
Every pub has that one awesome old dude that knows everyone, what they drink, and how much of it they want. That is St. Kitts. This guy is the definition of hospitality.

This little teenager who's been helping dishwash/bus/barback on the busy nights. Such a cutie, puts up with everyone's crap.

There are various other members of the "chorus", just haven't got nicknames for them quiet yet. They'll pop up eventually...if they prove to be of any interest.

Oh...I have a nickname too...and no...I didn't get to pick mine either.

Since I have such awesome curly red hair, freckles, and alabaster skin, I have been dubbed K-Dawg...cause I'm so gangsta...watch yo back yo. (wtf were they thinking?)


  1. You are hilarious! I like the way you write. K dawg does sound so gangster you would think HE is a rapper.
    Take care girl!

  2. Thanks for the feedback Lily! Have a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!
