Sunday, January 23, 2011

OMG I have a blog.

Ya, I'm still alive. It's been over six months since I wrote anything on here. Sorry to anyone who actually finds my life interesting. I generally don't, which is probably why I haven't bothered writing anything.

I'll skip over the last six months or so right in the present: My lack of commitment to just about everything.

I went to visit my family in California for Christmas and having a lot of time off when I got back (due to working at a restaurant with no customers) I figured it was time to do my New Years Resolutions. I'd like to know who invented this crap btw, cause it's basically of list of shit that you'd like to do but that you don't really have the time or the motivation to do in your day to day life. But I wrote them down anyway, in a semi-new journal that's been collecting dust on my shelf for about a year. So here they are:

1) Write in journal everyday, even if it's only 1 line. (This was sparked by prolific diarists, people used to write things on paper once, lots of things, even regular boring crap they did everyday. It's a window into how life really was at that time. I thought it was a good idea to do this as I've written in journals off and on my whole life, and still have most of them. I was keeping up fairly well until recently when I went 10 days in a row without writing. I wrote in it today though.)

2) Do weights, crunches or bum/leg exercises every day. (I honestly thought that breaking down an entire workout into three small segments and only doing one per day would be easy. Boy was I wrong. The constant cold dreariness of winter just doesn't lend itself to exercise. I don't need to lost weight or anything, but a little bit of daily exercise is good for you. This lasted about a week.)

3) Stay on budget. (Ha! What budget? I haven't even taken the time to sit down on my spreadsheet and make up a new budget for this year, and I really have to because I've changed jobs. I'm now on a bi-weekly pay schedule instead of a weekly one, this means I have to make the money last. There is also talk of TBear and I moving in together, another reason to hash out the finances. Budget fail.)

4) Find a better paying job or a second job. (I kind of nailed this one right out of the gate. I got a second job at a cafe since I was only getting two or three shifts at The Bistro. This however, has turned into full time at The Cafe. They don't pay me more than The Bistro did, but that's up for discussion after my 90 days is up. Full disclosure on The Bistro coming eventually.)

5) Get beginner's license and learn to drive. (Well it's still winter so I don't have to get this done right away. No, I don't drive, I'm staring down a countdown to 30 and I still don't have a Driver's License. I'm scared ok, leave me alone.)

6) Be thankful for something every day. (This doesn't sound that hard does it? I'm thankful for stuff all the time. The thing is to write it down in the journal, and when I'm doing that around midnight sometimes it's hard to come up with something that's not, "I'm thankful the guy at Tim Horton's didn't screw up my coffee this morning.")

7) Eat at least one apple, orange or banana every day, all three if possible. (Again, this doesn't seem very difficult, except for the fact that it requires me to do groceries on a regular basis which IS difficult when you're trying to work two jobs at once and end up being at work or in transit to work for 12-14hrs every day.)

8) Send one email or letter every week to one friends and one family member. (Again, this shouldn't be hard. With things like email and facebook and everything this should take me all of what, 20min once a week? But alas, I did it for one week and then it faded away. There's also the embarrassment one feels when they realize they haven't written or spoken to some people in years.)

9) Make plans with a friend once a week. (I'm getting redundant here but again, this should not be difficult. To call or text or email one person and set something up. Coffee? Drinks? Stop by for a chat? Something! And someone different every week, friends that live in my city that I haven't seen in forever. But alas, embarrassment over not being in touch with these people for years.)

10) Have sex 2-3 times a week except when on period. (This came about just after Christmas when I realized that TBear and I had not had any naked time in 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS! Not cool. Was very gung ho about this at first. Although it seems we have a week's worth of sex in one day. Not really what I had in mind. Also, while I've been fairly diligent about the shavings of the legs and other niceties, including cajoling for joint shower times, my better half has been less than cooperative. That is something I didn't expect.)

11) Work on tact and filter. (It has been made clear to me on several occasions that I lack some tact in conversing with other human beings. I also don't have much of a filter, and when I drink it disappears entirely. I haven't been very good at this one. I've been fairly miserable lately and that means I say whatever comes to mind, not really caring about the consequences much. Think I need to start reading Emily Post.)

12) Read one book every week unless it's HUGE. (HUGE being more than 300 pages. I'm a pretty fast reader, especially when I like the book so again, I didn't think this would be difficult. Then I got a second job. Goodbye free time of any sort. In three weeks I've managed to read only two books, a biography of Audrey Hepburn and Julie/Julia. Two out of three isn't terrible I guess.)

13) Try a new recipe every week. (Now, I wasn't specific about this one. You notice it doesn't say "at home" on there. With my new job I've been trying new stuff every few days, so I guess I'm keeping up with this alright.)

14) Fill this journal. (I guess that's almost the same as writing in it every day. But it's not. One of those problems I have with my journals and diaries is that I like to buy shiny new ones to write in before filling up the one I'm currently writing in. No more of that. I will fill my lovely moleskin journal, I will damnit!)

So those are my New Years Resolutions and the reasons (excuses) as to why they aren't going very well. But as I wrote in the moleskin today, tomorrow is Monday, the beginning of a brand new week. My last week at The Bistro and a brand new day.

Maybe at some point I'll get over myself.