Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Social Outcast

Ho hum, hum ho. Another week or so gone by and my social calendar is bleak as bleak can be. Being in this business makes it almost impossible to engage with friends on a purely social level. When I do finally have a day off I'm usually working till 10 or 11pm the day before (for 10 or 11 hours in a hot-ass kitchen), and therefore not likely to go back out once I get home. Or the odd times I actually get two days off in a row, I'm stuck at home doing the huge pile of laundry and trying to find the floor of my room.

Sigh. I feel like I don't connect with my friends anymore. I try to stay in touch, I really do. But with a schedule like mine, I run out of interesting stuff to email about.

Sometimes I think things like Facebook actually keep us apart more than bring us together. Instead of calling up a friend to see how they're doing and what they're up to I can just click over to their FB profile and boom, there it is: their life, in a nut shell. So I know that So-and-so's 2 year old has an ear infection, and Whats-her-name is lame enough to go see the Backstreet Boys concert, that Who-gives-a-fuck has broken up with her boyfriend AGAIN, and Mr. McWhiney is miserable as usual.

And where does that get me? Alone, at a computer, creeping friends that I've had for 10 years and can't be bothered to call and make plans with. I don't even call when I do make planes, I FB message, or I text, or BBM, or how many other ways I can make a disconnected connection and make plans without actually talking to anyone.

Hell, I order my pizza online too. I actually HATE talking on the phone. The advent of technology has allowed me to pander to my social anxiety regarding the telephone. And my regular social anxiety keeps me from really trying to connect with my friends more. It just takes so much EFFORT sometimes. And lately I'm just too damn tired.

Weekend forecast: Friday and Saturday off of work (9 day stretch, joy). Friday to be spent at Walmart replenishing all kinds of boring crap that I somehow decided I needed to live comfortably, followed by a trip to Toy's R Us to buy the noisiest most annoying useless piece of overpriced plastic for my nephew's 2nd Birthday. Saturday attending nephew's 2nd birthday that McDonald's no less (insert vomit here.) Followed by the attendance of a going away party for a friend who is moving to Scotland....which won't be much different than him living 10min away cause I think I hung out with him twice in the last year. Possible attendance to either a Stag & Doe for a girl I went to HS witch or go see GuyRoomie play at the pub. Depends how much cash I have left I guess.

Maybe my social calendar isn't as a bleak as I thought. :0P

PS: Kinda surprised I haven't gotten any comments on my Burger King post. Hello? Is this thing on?


  1. ok.

    1. i hate talking on the phone.

    2. i have turned into a hermit as of lately as well.

    3. the online pizza ordering sent me over the edge.

    4. wanna be best friends?

  2. Just cruising through blogs and found yours. Love it! Your social life is much like mine. Well like it used to be till I moved states away. Now I have people who get off work late like me. May I suggest movie night? Easy, cheap, and you don't have to actually leave the comfort of a (yours or others) couch? Works for me.

    PS Facebook creeping is how I keep up too. Sad that I text my friends when I see a "huge crisis" is going on...
