Monday, September 21, 2009

Scool Prepares You For Real LIfe...Which Also Sucks

Ack! It's been a while since I last wrote. Which I feel kinda bad about, now that I have 9 followers. Nine people like reading about my life, that's astounding. I'm actually quite boring and I don't write very well, you guys sure you don't need to get your heads checked?

I've been kind of busy lately. I say kind of because it hasn't been school or work or anything like that which has kept me from blogging. I've actually had plenty of free computer time where I could've written something. I just plain didn't feel like it. Mostly because the last few weeks have been pretty happy for me. When I'm happy, I don't feel the need to write as much. So here's what I've been up to.

I've been dating. LOL. I know, I said I wouldn't date anyone for a while. Men were to be Meat Sticks and Meat Sticks only. The Universe apparently didn't like that too much and has sent me a decidedly non-Meat Stick kind of guy to spend my time with. So what happened to the Meat Sticks then? Well Ata Boy hasn't been in touch in about 2 weeks, and GothBoyBand as well. I haven't got the time or the energy to chase boys (besides I don't chase boys, boys chase ME), so meh, oh well, you don't call, I don't answer.

So who's this non-Meat Stick then, you ask? We'll call him TBear. Nice guy, known him for a while, actually went to high school with him but didn't know him back then (he was all fat and nerdy lol). He's been on the periphery of my many circles of friends. He's good friends with my GirlRoomie, stood in her wedding and stuff, but he and I never really hung out much. Except when, and here's the funny part, he would come by occasionally to drop something off to GirlRoomie and if I was home at the time, we'd end up spending hours out on the porch just talking. About life in general. The conversation was never forced, never awkward, never held any of that sexual tension or anything like that, so I just thought, "Oh, what a nice guy," without having any intention of having any naked time with him.

Until recently. He came by about two weeks ago now to drop something off and we ended up out on the porch for a good 5 hours, just talking and laughing and having a great conversation. Then he came by the next day with a new BlackBerry case for me (my old one was torn to shit and he just happens to work at the Telecommunications store). So another long conversation ensued. We both chuckled at how the time seems to disappear when we get to chatting, and I suggested that we actually schedule some time for our conversations instead of him just popping by and poof! there goes the day.

So we did. And we ended up staying up all night. And I mean ALL night, till 7am. JUST TALKING. He never made a move, and neither did I. I was trying to gauge the situation. Was he attracted to me? (Well DUH!) What was he looking for? What does this mean? *gulp*

We ended up going out on a decidedly non-date. Just pints at the pub, no biggie. Then it became a date lol. Cause I kissed him, and he kissed me back and well, that was the end of speculation on whether or not there would be naked time. There has been lots of naked time in the past two weeks (and it's AWESOME btw.) There has also been a lot of talking time, and listening time, and tickling time, and chilling time, oh and an actual date in there too. Yes, a real grown-up date with dressing up and a fancy dinner. He wore a tie, and a jacket, and freakin' cuff links. I nearly died. He opens doors, pulls out chairs, offers me things before he has them himself. We take his dog for walks around the neighbourhood (he lives a few blocks over). He doesn't embarrass me in the least, and he has told me the same. Which, in listening to each other's stories has been a problem for both of us in the past: being embarrassed by the people we're dating.

So, when's the wedding? You're probably wondering. Well, this is the weird part. We're obviously perfect for each other (did I mention he's got a university degree in History?), we're very much alike in all the good ways (he said he'd never met anyone who had as many books as he does, until me!), we're different in all the right places (he's so preppy it's adorable, I'm all alterna-goth-chick), we totally bounce off each other (he has woken up my passion for fashion, I've inspired him to pursue more courses in academia), and the sexual chemistry is off the charts!

BUT--and this is a big BUT. He says he's not interested in being a "boyfriend." And at the same time, he wants our relationship to be monogamous. HUH? Basically you want all of the privileges of being my boyfriend without actually being my boyfriend. I find that kind of weird, and a little frustrating. Now I didn't want a boyfriend to begin with. Not until I started spending time with him. Now, I have no problems with someone not wanting to be my boyfriend, that's fine, really. But not being my boyfriend and then telling me I can't go play with the other boys in the schoolyard? That's F--ed up in my mind. It doesn't make much sense to me. He went on to explain that he just doesn't want the "expectations" that come with the "label." Un-huh...what expectations? I'm not sending out wedding invitations here buddy...I'm possibly going to the middle east in the spring and then possibly Scotland after that...not looking for a big commitment here. Anyhow, he talked about the "expectations" he's had to live up to with previous girlfriends and blah blah blah. I'm not those girls, and I tried to explain that. But he's not going to "get" it until he sees it for himself, I can totally see that. That whole conversation arrived at an impasse.

So I don't have a boyfriend, I have a TBear non-Meat Stick, and I'm not sleeping with anyone else.


  1. It's weird how people like this pop up out of nowhere just after you've been telling yourself you don't want a boyfriend. The Universe is toying with you! But at least you can enjoy your time together regardless of whether or not you are in a relationship.

  2. Mr. C - Ya, he's definitly somthin.

    Sandra - That's pretty much what I've decided to do about it. Stop stresseing and just enjoy it. But that's hard cause I over analyse everything. Though truth be told, we are having a "relationship" it's just an unlabelled one.

  3. I love the title of this blog..its so true!

    I also find it weird and frustrating when people want you to be with them "unofficially"
