Friday, September 4, 2009

Essential Manners for Couples

Manners, a relatively simple concept that hardly anyone in this day and age seems to understand. Being polite and having good manners is something I value very highly in everyone, especially the opposite sex. My patience was tested just yesterday.

Ata Boy came over Tuesday night. He left Wednesday morning. Saying that he would be back later on that evening after I had finished my unpacking and cleaning to hang out watch movies and eat pizza. The day goes by and suddenly it's 7pm. No Ata Boy, no phone call, no Facebook Message, no MSN message. Hmmm. Interesting. Now, Ata Boy's cell phone is out of commission at the moment, except for the Wifi feature, which means that he can get onto Facebook and MSN any time he wants, but he can't call or send text messages.

Well 10pm rolls around and me, pissed, and a little hurt, gives up and goes to bed. Thursday rolls around, still no message from Ata Boy. Late Thursday evening, I finally get word from him, the usual "Oh sorry..." When asked why he stood me up and didn't bother to call I got the usual BS about his phone being dead blah blah blah. Cause you don't have a quarter to use a pay phone? Cause every single person you know doesn't have a cell phone that you could borrow for 2 minutes to make a quick call? SERIOUSLY? And Hello! What about Faceook and MSN?

Manners lecture ensued. And I told him quite frankly that I was not joking when I had suggested that he read this the other day:

Essential Manners for Couples by Peter Post.

Now Ata Boy and myself are NOT a couple. However, he desires to be, and frankly I won't spend any time with someone if they do not have the basics of common decency down pat. (A Major one of those is if you make plans and then you can't make it, you HAVE TO get in touch with the person. Otherwise you're just being rude and hurtful.) I have, therefore, chucked the book at him and he better damn well read it and smarten the fuck up. (Exact quote from his chastisement.)

This book is awesome, yes I've read it and as well as being very informative, it's also hilarious. It goes through all of the common troubles that couples have and the advice contained therein can be applied to all aspects of your life, not just your dealings with your significant other. I suggest that everyone read this, maybe then the world will be a little more polite.

As Emily Post said, "It really doesn't matter whick fork you use; it matters that you use a fork."

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