Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why I Hate Humidity

Ok, so there's many reasons why I hate humidity. It messes with my very curly, very red hair and no amount of product will get it to look normal. I walk outside and am instantly sticky and gross. The air is hard to breath. And oh, yeah, the worst part, I get pressure headaches.

This last one was a douzy. It started Monday evening, the air was pregnant with precipitation but it just wouldn't rain. It spit on us a bit, but the downpour would not come. I thought the night would bring some relief, get some sleep and it will go away. Not so lucky. I woke up Tuesday morning with the same incessant throbbing. Considering we were supposed to be doing sniff tests in my wine class that day, I decided to skip school and lay in bed. Got up, had some breaky, you'd think that would make it better but no. Took a nap, nope still there. Got off my butt and went to the baking lab I'm a TA for. Maybe the smell of freshly baked bread will help, um no. Get home, not really tired, headache is still nagging. Maybe a late night walk with TBear for some Timmy's will help? Yeah...a little...but it was the calm before the storm.

No, I don't like taking a bunch of unnecessary pills for a little pressure headache. It really wasn't that bad, just a persistent little bugger, so I didn't go on the hunt for any meds. That was apparently a mistake.

5am this morning rolls around and I wake up in excruciating pain. My head feels like it's going to explode, my stomach is doing flip flops, my not-so-great-as-it-is vision is blurry and I generally feel like I'm going to die. That's right folks, got me a migraine.

So I stumble out of bed and start searching for some meds, Advil, Tylenol, Aspirin, anything that will at least take the edge off. (I was prescribed actual migraine meds a few years back, but they're way to expensive so I never filled the Rx) I find a mostly empty bottle of Advil and down however many pills are in it (probably like 4) then stumble back to bed, assume the fetal position and try to get back to sleep.

Around 7am the sun comes up, my blinds do nothing! I hide under the covers trying to find some peace in my throbbing little world. Finally I fall back to sleep...sweet oblivion.

I woke up around 1pm (no I did not F-ing go to school today either, piss off), intense pain, gone, nausea, replaced by hunger, general mood...I don't feel like doing fuck all. Migraines take it all out of me, energy, drive, takes it all. I barely mustered up the energy to make a cup of tea.

So, here I am, devoid of any energy or motivation, bored out of my gourd. I know I should do my school work, I know I should tidy my room and put my laundry away, I know I should do my work-out, I know I should take a shower and not be a ragamuffin...I also know that I just bought Sims3 and that cancels out any chances of productivity.


  1. haha I totally know how you feel with humidity. I don't have curly red hair, but I do have wavy red hair and I can sympathize with how out of control it becomes with humidity.

    As for Migraines, that really sucks. So many people seem to have them these days. I very rarely even get minor headaches so I guess I am lucky. You'd think they'd be able to find a way to stop these things in their tracks. Maybe one day the meds will be cheap enough to ease your suffering.

  2. That's funny. I don't like humidity because it makes my boxer shorts creep steadily and diligently up my asshole like an infantryman doing the army-crawl.

  3. So, you're thinking the humidity and the migraine go together? Well, that sucks. I'm in pain for you. Thanks for the follow!

  4. It is impossible to plan real life around The Sims...hehehehe
